Anneleen Swillen
2015 - …
- Tutor Jewellery Design, Gold - and Silversmithing, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt
- Guest Lecturer Master of Research Sint-Lucas Antwerp, 5.04.2019
2014 – 2015
- Postgraduate Curatorial Studies, KASK School of Arts, Gent 2013 – 2014
- Master Object & Jewellery Design, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt
2010 – 2013
- Bachelor Jewellery Design, Gold - and Silversmithing, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt
2020 - …
- Postdoctoral Researcher Object & Jewellery, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt and University of Hasselt (BE)
2015 – 2019
- PhD in the Arts "THIS PLAY an artistic research on the interactions BETWEEN JEWELLERY AND PRESENTATION." PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt and University of Hasselt

EXHIBITIONS (selection group + *solo)
- Fe Steel Prize 2020. 24 Jan. 2020 – 10 Oct. 2021, Hochschule Wismar, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences and PXL-MAD School of Arts. Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus Hanau, Schmuckmuseum Pforzheim im Reuchlinhaus, and Stadtgeschichtliches Museum der Hansestadt Wismar (DE).
- 21 grams. 7 Nov. 2018 – 12 Jan. 2020, Hangzhou Contemporary International Jewelry and Metalwork Triennial, Crafts Museum CAA, Hangzhou City; Galerie Handwerk, München (DE); Legnica International Jewellery Festival Silver; Gallery of Art, Legnica (PL); BeCraft - World Crafts Council (WCC-BF), Mons (BE); CODA museum, Apeldoorn (NL).
- In Touch. 7 – 11 Nov. 2018, Verein für Originalradierung, München (DE) and 23 – 26 May 2018, Society of North American Goldsmith’s 47th Annual Conference MADE: Makers Across Disciplines Engage Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland, Oregon (US).
- From Walter to Diva. 5 – 6 May 2018, DIVA museum, Antwerp (BE).
- From Walter to Valerie. 8 Feb. – 17 Mar. 2018, Valerie Traan Gallery, Antwerp (BE).
- Without a Jewel. 2 Aug. – 2 Sept. 2017, Radiant Pavilion 2017, Melbourne City Library (AUS).
- Swedes and Belgian Blues. 2 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2016, Gallery Four, Gothenburg (SE).
- The best of 10 years Object & Jewellery/PXL-MAD School of Arts. 5 Febr. 16 - 6 Mar. 16, Fashion Museum Hasselt (BE).
- Fifteen years of Jewelry. 3 Dec. 15 – 23 Jan. 16, galerie beyond, Antwerp (BE).
- Looking for the in-between. 21 Nov. 15 - 6 Mar. 16, Toegepast 20, Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture, Hasselt (BE).
- Transmission. 20 Oct. – 12 Dec. 2016, Studio 411 Galerie, Montpellier (FR).
- David Huycke & students: best of 10 years MAD- Faculty. 4 Oct. 2015 – 17 Jan. 2016, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau (DE).
- Pheromone. 8 – 17 Jul. 2015, Ah-won gallery, Seoul (KR).
- Talente 2015. 11 – 17 Mar. 2015, International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades Munich (DE).
- CONTAINERS in context. 4 Dec. 2014 – 24 Jan. 2015, galerie beyond, Antwerp (BE). (*solo)
W/O – We are the next generation. 17 – 26 Oct. 2015, Week van het Ontwerpen, BUDAfabriek, Kortrijk (BE).
Marzee Graduate Show. 17 Aug. – 26 Oct. 2014, Galerie Marzee, Nijmegen (NL).
Et Luxuria Sancta? 10 May – 8 Jun. 2014, curated by Ilse Roosens, Hospitaalkerk, Ninove (BE).

- Artificial Intelligems Dreams + Talks with Tobias Rees, Marcus Du Sautoy, Alexandra Darby, Darja Popolitova, Dovile Bernadišiute, Lee Allen Kuczewski and the participating artists and designers. Online conference and screenings for Munich Jewellery Week 2021.
- Passe-Partout on presenting contemporary crafts. 2 Apr. 2019, VAKlab Bokrijk and PXL-MAD, School of Arts, Hasselt (BE).
- Talk Show with Ruudt Peters & Anneleen Swillen. "An interactive, multi camera, online live-stream table exhibition conversation event featuring jewellery, objects, books, prints, materials and other things." 21 Nov. 2018, VAKlab Bokrijk and PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt (BE).
- Round Table #4: Performing Jewellery. 1 Jul. 2018, galerie beyond, Antwerp (BE).
- Social ‘media’ Club, in collab with Current Obsession Magazine, Munich Jewellery Week 2018, The Lovelace – A Hotel Happening, Munich (DE), 8.03.2018
- Round Table #3: Jewellery Interactions, in collab with galerie beyond, Antwerp, for Obsessed! Jewellery in the Netherlands, San Serriffe, Amsterdam (NL), 18.11.2017
- Round Table #2: Platforms for Jewellery, in collab with galerie beyond, Antwerp (BE), 23.04.2017
- Exposé. 24 Jun. – 17 Sept. 2017, Musée du Bijou Contemporain-Espace Solidor, Cagnes-Sur-Mer (FR).
- Round Table #1: Screens for Jewellery. 26 Jan. 2017, galerie beyond, Antwerp (BE).
- A-Z night #3: Show me – The Art of presenting. 17 Oct. 2016, Cultuurplatform Design, Z33 House for Contemporary Art, House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture, Architectuurwijzer, PXL-MAD School of Arts, LUCA School of Arts, University of Hasselt, Villa Basta, Hasselt (BE).
- Audio Guide. 5 – 28 Feb. 2016, No Performance Please (curatorial collective), The Image Generator, Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerp (BE).
- Experience Ooga Booga. 19 Dec. 2015, in collab with Current Obsession, Studio 47, Amsterdam (NL).
- No Performance Please. Concerning the impossibility of excluding performances. Tebeac curatorial collective. 24 – 28 Jun. 2015, These Things Take Time, Gent and 4 - 19 Jul. 2015, BUDA Arts Centre, Kortrijk (BE).